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Chakras and Trauma

Learn how trauma can affect the chakra system and methods for rebalancing.

Defining Trauma

A severely threatening event or events that are intense, overwhelming, often continuous or that occurs repeatedly, from which there appear to be no apparent means of escape.

An injury or woundedness, hurting, aching or pain caused by fright, helplessness and loss making it very difficult or almost impossible to feel safe, confident, happy or in balance and often perpetuating terror, despair, hopelessness, and disconnection.

A profound compression of survival energy that has not been able to complete its meaningful course of action.

Defining Chakras

Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit term and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word “cakra”. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light.

Charkas are the major junction points between consciousness and the body, each one being associated with a specific vibration. Envisioned by the ancient seers as vital and active spinning wheels or vortices of our life force linked to the movement of energy.

Each center is identified with a core human need and when open, energy flows through the center allowing us to meet those needs more effortlessly. If “blocked” in an area of the mind / body system, energy becomes stagnant and intentions are more difficult to actualize.

Chakras hold and release energy influencing the centers both above and below. These wheels can intermittently, continuously and dys-functionally spin too fast or too slow, may be displaced to the right or left, be tilted on their axes, be pulled up too high or too low having a localized effect on somatic function as well as specific psycho- spiritual and/or emotional disturbances.

Asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation (mindfulness) create balance, healing and flow.

Pleasure Point Yoga Studio

Capitola, CA

Nov 16, 2019

Earlier Event: November 15
Trauma Informed Yoga Methods Trainings
Later Event: November 22
Trauma Informed Yoga Methods Trainings