Past Programs
Conversations on Dance
Dance Legacies Worldwide, in association with Ballet Society, created a one of a kind app entitled Conversions on Dance. This app is the first of it’s kind to introduce a curriculum based on classicism and the allied arts on Ballet. The goal of the app is to provide context for the history of classical Ballet and how it became a modern art form. Recognizing the need for a connection to classicism and the humanities among dancers studying Ballet, the app was created as a way to get the material in front of young dancers. The app introduces the user to topics in the humanities and the arts using images, text and web resources. This app is intended for serious students of classical ballet, pre-professional dancers and others who wish to expand their knowledge of the great art of ballet. With generous gifts from The Nancy Lassalle Foundation and The Matisse Foundation this app was launched in 2014 and continues to have updated content added every year. Currently, the School of American Ballet uses the app as a part of their Cultural Program. You can download the app on your Apple phone or Android device for free.
Matho Museum Project
Dance Legacies Worldwide traveled to Ladakh, India in 2015 to assist in the planning process of the dance wing of the Matho Monastery Museum. The museum will house various performance artifacts and ancient texts that are crucial to the festivals that take place in the region at the monastery annually. These artifacts will be accessible to the monks for use during traditional ceremonies and then will be placed back in the care of the museum to ensure the longevity and preservation of these valuable pieces of living culture. The costumes, texts, and artifacts will be on display for both tourists and scholars alike to enjoy and utilize to better learn about and understand these unique and essential rituals and this rich culture. The project also included the video documentation and digitization of two festivals at the Matho Monastery which will be made available to the monks for teaching purposes for the next generation of dancers.
Bhand Project
Bhand Pathar is a volatile art form with roots in Kashmir and Pakistan. Passed down from generation to generation of roaming families the Bhand incorporates dance, music, drama, satire, poetry, comedy and history. In 2015 DLW, in collaboration with Core of Culture, traveled to Kashmir and the border of Pakistan undertaking a comprehensive initiative with the performers to document their performance, digitize their historical records and teachings, translate the only known book on Bhand Dance, and devise new performances and creative opportunities to connect with a younger and wider audience.